Is Representative Stephen Ross serving you and your family?

Since 2022, State Representative Stephen Ross has voted in ways that directly affect your life.

Harming Our Students and Educators

  • Representative Ross voted to shortchange public education. His vote makes it harder for Alamance Burlington School System to meet its basic needs. (SB 257 [2017])

  • Ross is making it impossible for teachers to educate students about important issues, such as racism and sexism. (HB 187 [2023])

  • Ross voted to give tuition money to wealthy families. (HB 823 [2023])

Blocking Our Healthcare

  • Representative Ross blocked Medicaid expansion for years. He lost Alamance County $159 MILLION and cost us over 800 jobs as a result. (HB 966 [2019])

  • Representative Ross also believes we can’t make our own healthcare decisions. He voted to ban abortion after 12 weeks, with few exceptions. (SB 20 [2023])

    • Because of Ross, you have to go to an in-person clinic three times — if you can even find a clinic near you — to access abortion.

Messing with Our Money

  • Representative Ross voted to increase the maximum interest rate you pay on major purchase loans to 33% — costing you more with every payment. (SB 331 [2023])

  • Ross also voted to make it more expensive to buy cars on installment plans. (SB 329 [2023])

  • Ross fails to advocate for raising the minimum wage, which is stuck at $7.25/hour. Alamance County residents need at least $15.41/hour to survive. (

Making it Harder to Vote

  • Ross voted to limit early voting, making it harder for you to get to the polls. (SB 325 [2018])

  • Coming soon - Representative Ross will have a chance to vote on a GOP bill to:

    • Shorten the deadline for returning your mail-in ballot.

    • Add regulations that make same-day registration and voting more complicated. (SB 747 [2023])

We deserve better than Rep. Stephen Ross!

Stephen Ross only won by 600 votes in 2022 – yet his decisions in Raleigh affect all of us.
You have a chance to choose a new Representative in 2024. 

Your vote makes a difference!